Source code for towers.core.validation

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: latin-1 -*-
# @module towers.core.validation
# @version 0.1
# @copyright (c) 2017-present Francis Horsman.

import abc

import six

from .errors import InvalidMoves, InvalidRods, InvalidTowerHeight

__all__ = [

class Validatable(object):
    def validate(self):
        Perform self validation
        raise NotImplementedError()

[docs]def validate_height(height): """ Validate the height of a :class:`Tower`s or :class:`Rod`. :param int height: The height to validate. :raises InvalidTowerHeight: The height of the :class:`Tower` is invalid. """ if height < 1: raise InvalidTowerHeight(height)
[docs]def validate_rods(rods): """ Validate the rods. :param List[Rod]|None rods: The :class:`Rod`'s to validate. :raises InvalidRods: expecting type :class:`Rods`. :raises DuplicateDisk: This :class:`Rod` already contains this :class:`Disk` :raises CorruptRod: A :class:`Disk` is on top of a :class:`Disk` of smaller size. """ from towers import Rods if rods is not None: if not isinstance(rods, Rods): raise InvalidRods(rods) rods.validate()
[docs]def validate_moves(moves): """ Validate the number of moves. :param int moves: The moves count to validate. :raises InvalidMoves: The number of moves is not an number or is less than zero. """ if moves is not None: if not isinstance(moves, six.integer_types): raise InvalidMoves(moves) if moves < 0: raise InvalidMoves(moves)