Errors and Utils

Any error explicitly raised by towers is defined here.

exception towers.core.errors.InvalidRod(rod)[source]
Parameters:rod (object) – The Rod which is invalid.
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidRods(rods)[source]
Parameters:rods (object) – The Rods which are invalid
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidRodHeight(rod, max_height)[source]
__init__(rod, max_height)[source]
  • rod (Rod) – The Rod which has an invalid height.
  • max_height (int) – The max allowed height of the Rod.
exception towers.core.errors.DuplicateDisk(rod, disk_width)[source]

A duplicate disk was found on a tower.

__init__(rod, disk_width)[source]
  • rod (Rod) – The duplicate Rod.
  • disk_width (int) – The width of the Disk.
exception towers.core.errors.CorruptRod(rod, disk)[source]

A Rod with an invalid stack of disks was found.

__init__(rod, disk)[source]
  • rod (Rod) – The Rod which is corrupt.
  • disk (int) – A Disk which sits directly atop a smaller Disk.
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidStartingConditions(rods, moves)[source]

The Rods for the towers are not in the correct starting state.

__init__(rods, moves)[source]
  • rods (Rod) – The Rod’s.
  • moves (int) – Total number of moves already made (should be zero).
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidEndingConditions(rods)[source]

The Rod’s for the towers are not in the correct ending state.

Parameters:rods (Rod) – The Rod’s.
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidTowerHeight(height)[source]

The height of the Tower is invalid.

Parameters:height (int) – The invalid height.
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidDiskPosition(position, height)[source]

The position of the Disk is invalid.

__init__(position, height)[source]
  • position (int) – The invalid position on the Rod.
  • height (int) – The height.
exception towers.core.errors.InvalidMoves(moves)[source]

An invalid number of moves.

Parameters:moves (int) – The invalid moves.


Main towers.core.utils.Serializable is used by all main classes: Towers, Rods, Rod, Disk

class towers.core.utils.Serializable[source]

A mixin which shows that a class is serializable.


Return a class instance from a json serializable representation.

Parameters:d (str|dict) – The json or decoded-json from which to create a new instance from.

Return a json serializable representation of this instance.

Return type:object